International Trade Attorney William E. Perry, Dorsey & Whitney, outlines why antidumping orders don’t usually help American businesses – but explains why Trade Adjustment Assistance to companies usually does help. He knowledgeably and rationally discusses a variety of past cases and their negative impacts and proposes specific changes to antidumping laws and procedures.
Download here.
The International Wood Products Association (IWPA) has developed a number of detailed Q&A's regarding the international wood trade. To download for printing their analysis of how imports increase U.S. job growth, click here. To access and view a menu of other IWPA Q&A guides, click here.
The IWPA notes that: "Many studies show that job loss to imports is relatively small in scale in comparison to the job creation formed by trade....A 2005 study on the impact of trade with China by Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC, finds that, ‘imports from China have a net positive impact on U.S. employment that approaches 1 million American jobs. Eight U.S. jobs owe their existence to imports from China, for every one job that is “lost" to those imports."